It's Memento-ing Absolute Mori

The current mood of mementomorioh at

[Content on this site is primarily SFW but is intended for audiences over 18. The webmaster is well over 18. I will do my best to put appropriate warnings in front of content that might be triggering (most likely themes in original fiction or fanfic). No promises about being spoiler-free but I will do my best to tag spoilers.]

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[2025/03/12] WHEW, found a bunch of cool and useful layouts that I've been messing with (if you follow me and you watch your update feed, don't mind the clutter). Lots of character page updates (changing my stats system to something that actually tells you about the person). Trying to think of a better way to display my picrew gallery lmao.

[2025/03/10] trying to follow more people on here. There are so many cool sites! I don't think I've linked all the ones that I follow/follow me at the bottom (I don't actually "socialize" with people on here :X but let me know if you linked me and want me to add your button)! Currently working on a newer, cooler looking page for Modern Kaidan Romance. Speaking of which, check THIS out (drawn by my friend Karner):

Yeah, it's Junna on a Vespa.

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