Nuǎn (nuan3) 暖
Name Meaning - "warm, genial"Known By - Guanyin, Kannon/Kanzeon Bosatsu
Gender - agender
Sexuality - graysexual
Ethnicity - Chinese
Origin - Shaanxi Province
Occupation - Mountain Hermit
Alignment - Neutral Good
Height - 5'7'' / 170cmBuild - built like a dancer/martial artist
Hair - dark, dark brown/black, incredibly long, different layers in bun or braids
Eyes - gold, peach blossom shape
Clothing Style: thrift shop chic (not really, it's whatever is comfortable and dirt cheap)
Other Appearance notes: peach blossom eye shape, unusually symmetrical
Personaliy Profiling
MBTI: INFJEnneagram: 126
Zodiac: Cancer Sun
Vice: Detachment
Virtue: Compassion/Mercy
Animal: shika deer
Flower: lotus, peach blossom
Gem/Metal: gold
Element: earth
Season/Weather: early spring
RPG Class: Paladin, Sage
WoD Splat: Mage: the Awakening
Magnus Archives Entity: The Lonely
Gives off the serene aura of a saint, traveling East Asia in search of their missing weapons. As an immortal, they have lived thousands of years and thus are somewhat detached from humanity... but not completely. They keep themselves out of large scale human conflict, but they can't resist helping individuals they meet that are in trouble. Long ago, in their home reason of modern Shaanxi province, they performed an extreme act of kindness and were mistaken for Guanyin, a boddhisatva. While they deny the title, their capacity for compassion and mercy make it easy to see why they initial mistake was made. They are forgiving to a fault, assuming they can take care of themself and are unlikely to be hurt. While they generally keep a serene, easy-going appearance, they are very curious and love experiencing new things, which they make easier by hibernating for long periods of time.Habits
Tilts their head to the side and pauses when trying to find the right word to use, hibernates in response to dwelling on past traumaHobbies
Alchemy: adept in alchemy/chemistry/medicine able to regenerate almost instantly and create items out of almost any material (transmutation)
Xian Abilities: knowledge accumlulated from thousands of years of life, martial arts expert, qinggong, doesn't need as much food or sleep
Weaknesses: overly attached to spirit weapons, hypothetically could be killed if their golden core was solidified and destroyed
Spiritual Weapons: aside from Nuan's original weapon, the other four were created with the souls of their fellow cultivators in order for them to defeat the Black Mountain Dragon. Nuan has carried them since that time, unwilling to let go of their old friends. Sometime prior to their awakening in 1999, there was some sort of disaster that broke open Nuan's resting place and four of their weapons were stolen. Since then, they have been searching for and collectiing the missing weapons.
- Long Sword: not an actual spiritual weapon, an enchanted weapon Nuan uses as a default
- Lotus Eater of the Endless Ocean: it can take the form of chains, cloth, water, or lightning
- Reach Heaven Through Glory: Four phantom arms that can make hand seals or wield more weapons
- Blood Rain Stains the Snow: A bow/proto-firearm
- Warrior That Slays Calamity: Storm of multiple different sized blades
- ???:
Politics: "my interferance could destroy any semblance of balance"Religion: Daoism (... mixed with Buddhism and East Asian Folk Religions)
Other Philosphy: know that you can't save everyone, know that you have to try
- The mountains
- Sunrise
- Stargazing
- Warm drinks and soup
- Ding, ancient pottery, vessels in general

- being put on the spot in front of groups
Born at the end China's Xia Dynasty, sometime between 2570 and 2500 BCE (predating writing). With seven of their closest friends, they studied alchemy, astronomy, martial arts, and spirituality to become immortals. However, long before they could reach that stage, the eight of them battled against the Black Mountain Dragon, a powerful monster threatening to destroy what small bit of kingdom had formed. Among the group, Nuan was the least injured during the battle, so their comrades sacrificed themselves to become spiritual weapons Nuan could use to defeat the dragon; they were successful at that high cost. In their honor, Nuan continued their journey to become an immortal, and by the start of canon, they have reached the second of four levels in the belief system they adhere to.
What have they been up to: after cultivating an immortal form, Nuan continued traveling, learning everything about the world that they could. Eventually they developed the habit of cultivating in seclusion (hibernating) for anywhere from a decade to a century at a time so they would have more meaningful experiences during their travels. Their most recent "hibernation" was between 1964 and 1999, when they were woken up due to something destroying their resting place. Upon awakening, they found four of their eight spiritual weapons stolen and have been on a mission to retrieve them since.
- Sagyo Junna
- Initially, Nuan assumed Junna was someone selfishly dabbling in the dark arts for their own gain, but quickly changed their opinion after seeing Junna interact with some of the cemetery ghosts they had befriended. After that, Nuan became supportive of Junna, although their faith in Junna was shaken during the trial at the Heavenly Court, something they deeply regret. Later, Nuan finds it difficult to be around Junna because they're afraid of being vulnerable and opening up about their past traumas.
- Nui Feng
- Nuan was present when Nui Feng formed from a dead cow's liver and was immediately fascinated. They came to care for the creature immensely. However, when holding Feng up one day, they were attacked and mauled by tigers, who stole Feng away. They were reunited later when Nuan took on cultivation disciples for a short period. By then, Feng had learned to cultivate both a human and cow form (asode from the cow liver). They were separated but have met again a third time in the Immortal Death Games. Nuan sees Feng as their child, although they don't make that association themselves.
- Elis
- Close friend in the Immortal Death Games: they have similar temperaments and backgrounds, as well as a tendaceny to act as old people.
Stats Explanation
- Vision: 20/20
- Hearing: better than the average human's
- Sense of smell/taste: good at differentiating and identifying individual scents and flavors
- Flexibility: someone stiff because of bad sleeping habits
- Balance: excellent
Can They
- Cook: yes
- Ride a bike: yes
- Drive: yes
- Swim: yes
- Do math (well): yes
- Write legibly: if they try
- Draw well: yes
- Sing well:
- Play a musical instrument:
- Speak/read/write more than one language: yes, fluent in many languages over time
Do They
- Have any pets: no
- Have proper ID/a passport/birth certificate: no--they have an ancient document that is, for some reason, recognized by the Chinese government
- Have a college degree:
Have They
- Traveled to other countries: yes
- Had any major injuries/illnesses:
- Committed any crimes: yes (at this point, tax evasion is the worst)
- Killed a human: yes
- Killed/exorcised a supernatural entity: yes
- Lost someone important to them: yes (seven best friends)
- Been in a romantic relationship before canon: no
- Inspired any myths/urban legends: influence for Guanyin in certain areas of northern China

- Alchemy notebook/commonplace book
- writing utensil of some kind
- basic alchemy ingredients (mostly minerals and herbs)
- Weird old passport/ID
- Spiritual weapons
- They consider the area around Shaanxi to be their hometown
- Associated with Guanyin/Kannon
- Influences include Van Hohenheim (Fullmetal Alchemist), Xie Lian (Heaven Official's Blessing), and Shen Qiao (Thousand Autumns)
Voice Actor
- Show [Ado]
- Value [Ado]
- Kakusei [Superfly]
- Kimi ga Ita Monogatari [See-Saw]
- Champions of Unrestricted Beauty [Sleigh Bells]
- Senyaichiya [See-Saw]
- Kioku [See-Saw]
- Tasogare no Umi [See-Saw]
- Voices of the Chord [Sawano Hiroyuki]