Residents of YOMI 黄泉
Yomi is the land of the dead in Shinto mythology. Unlike in many other religions and mythologies, it is a dark and unpleasant place, presided over by the kami Izanami.
Izanami-no-Mikoto 伊奘冉の尊

- Classification: shiryou, kami (death, underworld)
- Pronouns: she/her
- Age:
One of the first two kami that created Japan, along with her husband Izanagi. She died when giving birth to Kagutsuchi, kami of fire, which is the origin of the full-body burns she still has today. In death, she is the ruler of Yomi, the gloomy underworld of Shinto mythos.
Inunaki 犬泣

- Name Meaning: "dog howl"
- Classification: shiryou, shinigami (wild dog)
- Pronouns:
- Age: