Internet Favorites (Links & Resources)
Languages and Writing
Other (unsorted links)
- Emojipedia (use for favicons)
- 100 x 100 pixel image maker
- Coolors (color palette generator)
- I use Canva to make a lot of backgrounds and headers for this site
- sadgirl layout builder
- Tentacool layout directory
- Kalechips layouts (there are coding snippets on there too)
- cyberfrog web resources
- Webmastering layout resources
- Templates at Templatesss
- Aywren's resource collection (lotta good stuff)
- Doodlemancy's Guide to Bluesky
Cool Japanese Stuff
- Wagara (patterns)
- More wagara
- Even more wagara
- I was researching wagara today
- So this is also wagara
- Guide to Hanakotoba, Japanese flower language
- Encyclopedia of Shinto
- Japanese Wiki page on Shinto
- Insider's Guide to Shinto Shrines
-, illustrated database of Japanese folklore
-, illustrations, (Japanese) folklore, and blog
- Living With Kami, blog of a Konko Faith Shinto Priestess
- Hyperdia (not updated, navigates Japanese train routes in English
Cool Chinese Stuff
- Kowabana - Specifically Japanese horror stories & Let's Plays ft. Tara A. Devlin. Has some of my favorite Japanese creepypasta of all time.
- Bess - Studying forensic sciences in uni, has absolutely amazing analyses on the When They Cry series and Full Metal Panic. Got me to watch the "Babylon" anime. Her takes are very thoughtful and her educational background gives a unique insight I don't usually see in anime analysis videos. Cool accent.
- Psychime - My SO Who Has a Doctorate In Psychology Became A Vtuber
- The Gaming Muse
- Horror Mine
- Ferry - Absolutely amazing Vocaloid songs; I recommend their animated music video series "Parties Are For Losers," which is loosely based off the Russian novel "Roadside Picnic" and the movie/game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R."
- Joel G - Animator with some of his works on YouTuve. ENA is absolutely 90s internetcore and an incredible series full of meme-able moments.
- Worthikids - If you like humor and you haven't watched Big Top Burger go watch it now, it's amazing
My YouTube Playlists
- My GOAT YouTube Playlist - My favorite YouTube videos in no particular order (although most of the shorter ones come earlier)
- Hilarity in Under a Minute - Funny videos that are less than a minute long--many of them are my fav vines
- Comedy Gold - Funny videos that are longer than a minute. Lots of fandom videos, but no Vine collections.
- Vine Collections - Vine collection playlist. Some of them are fandom, but some of the are organized by alignment
- I have more Vine collection playlists but... that's it for now